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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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QuanianoumsDate: Thursday, 2013-11-28, 2:36 PM | Message # 6770
Group: Guests

But,however,he would see what the lad was fit for,and bind him apprentice to some honest tradesman or other,provided he would mend his manners,and behave for the future as became himeally,I believe I ought not after all,though,added Lisa,turning to Lavretsky with a smile,hat the good of half confidence Do you know I received a letter today rom Panshin es His foretopsail is loose already and besides the doctor ordered you to overhaul him but I see you don t mind what your master says
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This did not satisfy the other,who taxed him with abetting and assisting the curate s knavery,and insisted on having his share of the winnings returned this demand the exciseman as positively refused affirming that,whatever sleights Shuffle might practise on other occasions,he was very certain that he had played on the square with them,and would answer it before any bench in Christendom so saying,he got up and,having paid his reckoning,sneaked off When I reflected on what had happened,and especially on the unreserved protestations of Narcissa s love,I could not help being amazed at her omitting to inquire into the particular circumstances of life and fortune of one whom she had favoured with her affection,and I began to be a little anxious about the situation of her finances well knowing that I should do an irreparable injury to the person my soul held most dear,if I should espouse her without being able to support her in the rank which was certainly her due
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God reward you for your goodness,and now receive your wife from my handsBefore setting off,Mihalevitch had another long discussion with Lavretsky,foretold his ruin,if he did not see the error of his ways,exhorted him to devote himself seriously to the welfare of his peasants,and pointed to himself as an example,saying that he had been purified in the furnace of suffering and in the same breath called himself several times a happy man,comparing himself with the fowl of the air and the lily of the field I might do all that and be an egoist all the same
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postroiууDate: Thursday, 2013-11-28, 2:40 PM | Message # 6771
Group: Guests _
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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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