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TeemiPrearyDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-03, 6:26 AM | Message # 7156
Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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graireermDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-03, 9:07 AM | Message # 7166
Group: Guests

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claisaadariDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-03, 9:14 AM | Message # 7168
Group: Guests

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OnesGuencerorDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-03, 9:17 AM | Message # 7169
Group: Guests

Aside from a brief bit of text at the start of the disc warning viewers not to copy or sell the movie, the film was crystal clear. (Eagle-eyed viewers, though, might have noticed a few typos in the start-up screen added by the bootleggers: The title was rendered as "Black Sean," and viewers had to click on "Mian Menu" to start the disc. But such imperfections bother few shoppers here.) But thereЎЇs going to be another interesting story hiding in todayЎЇs earnings, one that barely gets any attention anymore. Around 7 million customers still pay Netflix to send them DVDs of movies and TV shows via mail. Two years ago, that number was twice as high. Fast-forward another two years, and there could be around 4 million customers left who get their red envelopes from Netflix. Or maybe even less.
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TrieprifsDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-03, 9:18 AM | Message # 7170
Group: Guests

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