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MarTraltyDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 6:37 AM | Message # 7366
Group: Guests

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prizvry956Date: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 7:03 AM | Message # 7367
Group: Guests
TrieprifsDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 7:18 AM | Message # 7368
Group: Guests

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Cruinevetrelid51tyDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 7:59 AM | Message # 7369
Group: Guests

Sitting knee movement
Keep your spine straight, knees bent, sitting on your sciatic, feet flat on the floor, ankles and together, put your hands back to support.
Concentrate on your abdominal muscles, lower your legs to the left until they are about 6 feet from the ground position, keeping the ankles pressed
together, shoulders forward. Roll your feet, <a href=>igtropin </a> but do not always leave the ground. 1 second, and then use your abdominal muscles slowly pull your leg up and then turned to the right. Do not put your knees directly to the side of the body, pay attention to control their actions. From one side to do it while doing a minute.
Lateral pressure campaign
Register well with your body lying on the floor with your legs straight. Place your right forearm around his waist, put his right
hand on the left. Place your left hand behind your head, left elbow pointing toward the ceiling. The simple version: Do not lift the leg, just lift your upper body.
Use your left deltoid oblique (instead of his right arm), reduce your belly and your left shoulder off the ground about 2-3 feet, and put his left leg lifted about 12 feet, to maintain this action 2 seconds after slowly return to its initial position.
The beginning of the right side, left to 8.5 times. Slowly increased to 12 to 15 times on each side. Each do 1-2 groups, each minute of rest between them.

Before you become overly concerned about "bird flu," there are <a href=>igtropin </a> a few important facts you need to know about this disease.

"Bird flu" is not the same thing as human pandemic flu. "Bird flu"-H5N1 highly pathogenic Asian avian influenza-is a severe disease of birds. All the people known to have gotten it had close contact with infected birds, mostly in rural villages in Asia. Where there is no close contact with infected birds, there's no human disease.

More good news: The food supply is protected. The poultry industry and the U.S.

government take Asian avian influenza very seriously because it can threaten commercial poultry. It's spread by migratory birds, so the federal government monitors wild birds in areas where there could be contact with Asian birds.
iut5dxcy1c1Date: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 8:02 AM | Message # 7370
Group: Guests

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MarTraltyDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 8:05 AM | Message # 7371
Group: Guests

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TrieprifsDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 8:13 AM | Message # 7372
Group: Guests

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PyclolaIoninoDate: Thursday, 2013-12-05, 8:25 AM | Message # 7373
Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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